Day in the Life of an Amazon Seller: Fall & Halloween Sourcing

If you've been into any retail store or shopped online recently, then it's quite evident that fall is here. While I'm sad that Summer has come and gone, I'm also excited as it means winter (and Q4) is coming! As an Amazon Seller, it also means that it's time to source seasonal items and prepare for the upcoming holiday season.

Therefore, in this blog post I will be sharing some fall seasonal and Halloween items that I found while sourcing at Walmart!

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When it comes to sourcing products to sell on Amazon, I will always recommend that you think outside of the box. With that being said, don't just scan the obvious seasonal items, like candy, costumes, and outside decorations. Focus on other seasonal items that are popular this time of year, such as coffee, kitchen ware, baked goods, and everything pumpkin and apple!

Here are some profitable leads that I found while sourcing at Walmart. Note, even if the price tanks it is likely to go right back up as these items will be hard to come by in December. Be patient and don't tank the price!

Here are some other items that I ended up purchasing thanks to a lead and a branched lead from the BOLO group!

Last year I tried to avoid selling Halloween costumes as I've heard that the return rate is relatively high. This year, I thought I would give it a go, but it seems that I'm gated in most of the costume brands. You may try scanning to see if you can get auto-ungated, as there are definitely some profitable ones out there!

However, while scanning products I did end up finding some grocery items that are profitable.

No offense, but I think that the inflatable holiday decorations are hideous. But apparently customers on Amazon say otherwise because some of them sell for 2x retail price!

And last, but certainly not least, Halloween candy!

It's important to note that we are in meltable season until October 15th, so you won't be able to FBA Halloween candy. However, if you're willing to put in the extra work, then you can definitely ship the meltable candy FBM.

To do this, you would need to ship the candy in a thermal polymailer with an ice pack to ensure that the product doesn't melt in transit to the customer. I tend to avoid products like this for two reasons: I'm lazy and I'm afraid of getting a negative review if the product were to melt.

While there is risk to shipping meltables during this time of year, the risk could definitely be worth the reward. Some sellers (including myself) aren't willing to put in the extra work to ship these products; however, if you're willing to do it, it could open up more opportunities to find profitable products with lower competition.

Here are some meltable items that I found while out sourcing!

As I said at the beginning of this post, spooky season is officially here whether we like it or not! So, go grab your pumpkin spice latte, throw on a cardigan, and go sourcing!


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