Source Confidently with IP Alert

If you’ve been selling on Amazon for any amount of time, then you know how annoying IP complaints are. The good news is that they are avoidable!

So, today’s blog post is going to be all about one of my personal favorite tools - IP Alert!

  • What is an IP Complaint?

  • What is IP Alert?

  • How to Download IP Alert

What is an IP Complaint?

Let’s start with the basics and discuss IP complaints first. To keep it simple, an IP complaint basically just means that the brand has issued a complaint with Amazon reporting that you are infringing on their intellectual property.

If you receive an IP complaint, you will receive an email similar to this one. It will also show up on your account health, under the “product policy compliance” section.

If you get this email, don’t panic! It’s not an automatic death sentence for your account.😊 BUT it’s extremely important to follow the steps in the email from Amazon and respond as soon as possible to avoid potential suspension or deactivation.

What is IP Alert?

It might just be the nurse in me, but I’m a firm believer that prevention is key. Which is where IP alert comes into play!

IP alert is a Google Chrome extension that notifies you if a brand is known to issue IP complaints or not. Once downloaded, a pop-up will appear on the Amazon product page, as shown below. You can also access this on your phone, which we will discuss in the next section.

As a general rule of thumb, green is good and red is bad. If you come across a listing that shows as yellow (possible IP complaints), then I recommend you do additional product research. Be sure to look for any red flags, such as a sudden drop off in sellers.

Oh! And as an added bonus, you can check to see if a product is meltable, which is perfect for this time of year! 😊

How to Download IP Alert

As mentioned previously, IP Alert is a Google Chrome extension so you will need to pay before downloading. You can get to the website by clicking here.

I love IP alert for all of the obvious reasons, BUT I also love that they keep it affordable. As of June 2023, they offer two payment options: $99/year OR $199 for lifetime access. If you’re planning to sell on Amazon for more than a year, then I think it’s pretty clear which one makes the most sense! Keep reading if you’re interested in some additional savings. 😉

If you do a lot of retail arbitrage like I do, then you’ll definitely want to be able to access this from your phone while you’re on the go. I’ve listed step by step instructions for you below!

  • Once purchased, click on the IP Alert extension > Scan QR code with your phone > On your phone, click “Share To” > Then “Add to Home Screen”


I can’t even begin to tell you how many times IP Alert has saved me. Avoid those annoying IP complaints and source confidently with IP Alert!

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